A. For more details regarding our nutrition plan contact us on


B. You can also schedule a free consultation call with Arjita to discuss your health goals and how can we help you in achieving those.

Book an appointment

C. Or just provide us your contact details and we will reach out to you for scheduling the free consultation.

Book an appointment

A. Given the fact that we don’t provide any short-term/fad diets, and the first month is spent on building healthy habits, we would recommend the 8 weeks of regular monitoring and consultation program.

A.We recommend getting a blood check-up if you haven’t done it in the last 6 months. Because that would help us in fixing any existing health conditions first and take your body to its optimum potential. However, it's not mandatory for starting the consultation. We understand getting blood work might be a cumbersome process, especially for clients outside India, so we can still work with all the other information we have.

A. We believe in bio-individuality so your diet is going to be specifically designed to suit your particular needs so it's recommended to not use the plan for anyone else.

A. If you’re looking to feel better physically and mentally then you will start seeing the results within a week. However, in terms of weight loss, if anyone gives you one answer to this question, either they are lying or planning to give you some fad which will help you lose quickly for the time you are with them and then you gain it back later. First of all, weight loss could also mean losing muscle, and bone density and we try to retain them, therefore we focus on inch loss and not on the weighing scale. Everyone’s body’s sensitivity to insulin, medical history, and lifestyle is different. Inch loss is likely to be quicker for a person in their 20s, with no health issues compared to a 40yr old mother with a history of gestational diabetes. If you are still looking for an oversimplified answer, then generally, on average, our clients lose 3-4 kgs in a month.