At we nourish, we believe that health of individual is not just the physical body but an aggregate of the body, senses, mind and soul. Your immune system is directly impacted by the state of your mind. The more positive and happy you’re, the stronger your immunity. We believe in bio individuality that basically means “there is not a one-size-fits-all diet, each person is a unique individual with highly individualized nutritional requirements.” Though we help you with weight loss or weight gain (depending on what your goal is) but we genuinely believe that diets just focused on weight loss or gain are crap!! There, we said it! We help you not just lose fat, we help you gain strength, see improvement in your metabolism, feel better physically and even mentally without starving yourself. For checking your progress, we won’t rely on weight but on your inch loss and how you feel overall.

A Letter

Hi, I’m ARJITA. I’m an ISSA-certified nutritionist and a healthy recipe creator. Growing up, I had my own struggles with health, from being overweight to popping painkillers for constant headaches due to ongoing gut issues. Don’t get me wrong here, I don’t see moving sizes as some achievement, it really came as a by-product of working on my energy levels, and metabolism and just trying to lead a healthier life so as to enhance my life experience. Till the time I was only focused on losing weight and looking slim, I made so many mistakes over years in desperation, did so many fads, starved myself, and did excessive cardio.. all used to go in vain and I used to gain my weight back in some time. Finally, I’m at a point where I am able to maintain the lost weight, and feel better physically and mentally all because I was CONSISTENT with few basic rules. I feel powerful, light, and extremely grateful today for prioritizing my health, and my energy levels, being kind to myself and having stopped being desperate to just look good, and slim to the world.